Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Planet Tries To Be Earth So Bad

O hai Gliese 581! Sitting a mere 20 light years away is a red dwarf star with a little planet creatively named Gliese 581g [should have been named Earth 2: 3D!]. There are over 400 known planets orbiting stars outside of our solar system; however this one in particular bears more significance than the others. The reason being that it sits right in the habitable zone which is just the right distance from its sun to allow liquid water. Any closer or further and the water would boil off or freeze. Since this distance is just right, if there is water it could also contain life, and if it contains life, it could also contain dinosaurs.

This planet is about 3-4 times as massive as ours so in order to get around, these dinosaurs would surely have invented flying cars by now. These flying auto-gyros would run on Unobtanium, a mineral which would be valued at 20 million a kilo. Obviously we'd need to steal it from them so the best way to do that is to fly to their planet, learn their ways and then blow up their hometree.

Now all this is purely speculation, there's no telling for sure if there's water on that planet. But according to the artist's depiction it looks just like Pandora and thinks it's pretty hot shit. Again speculation but if there is water scientists are pretty positive that there could be water parks, most likely with wave pools and lazy rivers.

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