Friday, March 18, 2011

Guilty Dog Is Guilty

Dogs love to misbehave, but dear lord are they terrible liars. Did you eat a wrapper from the trashcan? No. Did you poop in my shoe? No. Did you delete Top Chef from my DVR? No. BULLSHIT!

Well this pup in particular fancies a little cross-species dining, but the thing all dogs are terrible at is hiding the evidence. They'd get away with a lot more if they finally decided to take after cats and sprout thumbs instead of using their chompers to tear through everything. The thing that makes this dog even more special is the amount of catholic guilt he shows when confronted with his crime. I think I see some actual tears there. SHAME! SHAME THE SINNER!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Slow Loris With A Tiny Umbrella

There are certain things in life that go so perfectly together: Peanut Butter & Jelly, Bacon & Eggs, Spaghetti & Meatballs, Cats & Things they're too big to fit in. Though mostly food related, there's another non-delicious pair that makes perfect sense: Slow Lorises & Tiny Umbrellas.

First off any animal that has the word "slow" as part of it's name is okay in my book. In fact I think we need more descriptions in animals' names. Stuff like fast cheetah, squishy panda, or rapey duck.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Teenage Girl Ruins the Word Friday

Willow Smith apparently made it okay for spoiled teenage girls everywhere with access to auto-tune and daddy's money to make a "music" video where they simply describe what they're doing.

So this girl Rebecca Black has made what might be one of the stupidest music videos ever, though she does have some stiff competish:
Losing You
So Cold in the D
My Jeans

The main difference is nowadays these "singers" have bigger budgets, an unhealthy obsession with auto-tune, and braces-clad back up dancers. If you close your eyes and listen is sounds just like Ke$ha which leads me to believe that she and Rebecca Black are the SAME ROBOT!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cat VS. Toothbrush

If the cat does gingivitis. Most cats hate pretty much everything: dogs, water, being awake, prolonged hugs, but this cat has got it out for an ultrasonic plaque fighter. Much like a cat on a cactus the only attack it has is a series of rapid paw slaps. *PAT PAT PAT PAT PAT!*

Let's hope he doesn't find what's in the sock drawer.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Dating Site For Ugly People

For those who are aesthetically challenged, dating can be rather difficult. But as it happens, most of society would rather go to the drive-thru than the gym. For those who've decided to just give up there's a new way for people to meet and bump uglies. I give you "The Ugly Bug Ball". This site is dedicated to providing the self proclaimed ugly people with a community in which to share their Family Sized love. Finally, a means for people to shop for kimonos together and share their frustration about Chik-Fil-A being closed on Sundays.

[Official Site]

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Drunken Baby Trashes Bar

Yes it's as good as it sounds. Drunken babies may be up there on par with chimpanzees. Except with chimps taking the lead because they not only poop everywhere, but they throw it as well. I don't think babies have the hand/eye coordination or even poop consistency to accurately throw their own feces, so that's why they're inferior. Regardless "drunken" babies are an endless possibility of comedy. Here is a trailer for a short film called "Las Palmas" and further proof that exploiting your children on film is a great idea.

[Official Site]