Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DO NOT WANT: Urine Eggs

Srsly China, WTF?! Why is it that when something is just plain gross and should not be eaten, people consider it a delicacy? Snails, chocolate covered insects, moldy cheese, live octopus...sick-gross-puke-vomit. Well in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province of China their local delicacy are eggs that have been soaked and boiled in prepubescent boy urine.

That's right, the eggs are left to soak in the urine of little boys under ten, then cracked, soaked, and simmer all day. To most residents they consider it to be the smell of spring. If that's the case then the subways must smell like heaven to them.

[Full Article]

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dinosaur Traumatizes Aussie School

In America we get lame shit like bring your daughter to work day. In Australia apparently they get bring your Dino to School day. The only thing better than the roar of a T-Rex is a child's scream. The only thing better than that is a school full of children screaming and running in sheer terror. Unfortunately no children were harmed in the making of this video.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ryan Gosling Looks Good Naked

Fact: Ryan Gosling looks good naked. He's showing off his Crazy, Stupid, Abs in Crazy, Stupid, Love. The movie itself seems a lot like Hitch, except without Will Smith suffering from food allergies. Thankfully the movie does not feature any CG dancing animals in sunglasses, instead opting to showcase a tanned & shirtless Ryan Gosling. This is a move that more movies should emulate, luckily Thor & Captain America seem to have the right idea. Gosling's love interest this time is a live human girl as opposed to a sex toy. Sadly Bianca was unavailable for filming because she had to be sent back to the factory for a vagina replacement.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Guilty Cat is Guilty

We all know dogs are terrible liars, but this cat can't hide his guilt any better than he tries to hide his poop in the litter box. He thought he had the perfect crime: owner is out, sprouts on windowsill left unattended, attack with "pat-pat-pat" action...His fatal mistake was that there was no dog around to blame it on.

At least when dog's misbehave it's usually because they're trying to get food they're not supposed to have, but with cats its more so a not so friendly reminder of how good they are at destroying things just cause. Maybe now you'll think twice before coming home without any tender vittles.