Friday, September 17, 2010

Sony Finally Invents the "Wii"

Sony's Move will take gaming to a new level, the level it was at 4 years ago when the Nintendo Wii was introduced.

Playstation 3 owners can now pay additional money for what is basically a black Wii-mote with a rubber ball on the end the lights up. Fake sources say the idea was taken from when the president of Sony visited his granny at Forgotten Acres Retirement Home. The seniors were enjoying themselves while playing Wii Sports and he noticed every single walker had a cut open tennis ball stuck on the bottom. 

Why they don't just make walkers that have sliding material instead of rubber stoppers is beyond me, but he thought putting  a big stupid ball at the end of the remote would make it more appealing to the elderly. Other early prototypes included putting different attachments on the end such as: cups of pudding, prune juice, Werther's Original Hard Candies, and Phone Calls from their Children.

Below is a video Sony is using to promote the move by scaring people with the "Move Men". The story goes that if you look in the mirror at midnight and say "move men" three times they show up at your party and eat all your pizza without chipping in.

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