Friday, September 24, 2010

Jurassic Park The Musical, Srsly.

Yah really. A group of people in Nebraska decided to put on a musical performance of Jurassic Park in their backyard for their parents and unwilling neighbors. 


If you have the time and the patience for super low-budget regional theatre, if a backyard can be considered a region, then by all means watch. I for one see this a blasphemous to the holy work of amazingness that is Jurassic Park, but i guess a lot of love did go into this. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, but what you call imitation, I call the rape of the natural world. Below is part 1 of the video:


  1. It leaves me full of QUESTIONS, Grandpa lost weight? Lil Timmy turned Asian? Is that a women with a bad fat suit on? Wheres the white guy with brown makeup on to play Samuel L Jackson? OMG my head hurts, and how did they manage to find 80 people in Nebraska that knew the music for the opening song was from Rent?
    I commend you all for taking valuable time away from harvesting corn crops to put this rendition of a "classic" on in your incredibly large backyard.

  2. there's two more parts to this musical. you probably didn't want to post them, what with this being a blog about "rape" and all. SHEESH.
